When it comes to Halloween, one of the scariest things for orthodontist, like Dr Hassey, is all the chewy and sticky candy that is handed out to trick-or-treaters! These candies get stuck to brackets, bands, wires and sometimes even break or pull parts off! Hard, crunchy candies aren’t much better because they place a significant amount of pressure on the braces, which may lead to broken brackets or bent wires. It’s important to keep in mind that every time we have to repair or replace a bracket or band, it sets the orthodontic process back a step.
To ensure your child’s treatment continues to progress on schedule, be sure to keep sweet treats like — caramels, bubblegum, hard candy, taffy, licorice, nuts, jelly beans, candy corn, popcorn (including caramel corn) and caramel apples!
We know that this may seem like a lot to avoid, but being in braces doesn’t have to mean sitting on the sidelines as other children dig into their Halloween haul. There’s still plenty of spooktacular treats that are braces-friendly and Dr Hassey approved!
Soft chocolate is a safe bet for kids in braces. In fact, any type of chocolate candy bar will generally be okay, as long as it doesn’t contain any caramel or nuts. That means lots of classic candy gets the orthodontic seal of approval, including — Reese’s peanut butter cups, Kit Kat’s, plain M&M’s Reese’s pieces, 3 musketeers, Hershey bars and Hershey kisses!
Be sure to cut or break candy into small bites. Biting into bigger candy bars can potentially damage the braces on a child’s front teeth. Be sure to take advantage of all the fun- and mini-sized bars that are popular this time of year!
To take the sting out of not being able to indulge in some of their favorite Halloween treats, you can bring all the other stuff to us! We are doing our annual Candy Buy Back! We’ll give $1 a lb or 10 points a lb, and we’ll donate those treats to the troops!
Please remember your child should be taking extra care of their teeth and braces, especially during this time of year! Even candy that is braces-friendly has sugar, and eating a lot of it can be harmful to the teeth if it’s not removed promptly. Encouraging your child to practice basic braces care as they make their way through a giant pile of Halloween candy will help to keep cavities at bay! That means brushing at least twice a day and flossing thoroughly every night before bed.
We hope your family has a safe, fun-filled holiday full of happy, healthy smiles!
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