What You Need To Know — 

  • You will need to get a dental clearance from your general dentist, prior to starting. Excellent oral hygiene is key. We will work together to ensure your smile is happy and healthy throughout your treatment. We will help you coordinate cleanings every six months (or sooner, if it is recommended).
  • When it’s time to get braces on, you can choose from clear or metal brackets.
  • We will change your ties (colors) every visit! Typically, we’ll see you every 4-6 weeks, so you’ll have plenty of time to think of your next color combo!
  • After placing your brackets and wires, you will most likely be sore for a few days. Soreness means your teeth are responding to treatment!
  • On the day your braces go on, we will give you instructions on brushing, flossing and a list of foods to avoid while in treatment.
  • It is important to make and keep appointments, this will keep your treatment on track.
  • Because the bone and soft tissues surrounding the teeth are stabilizing for several months after braces come off, it is important that retainers are worn as instructed.
  • You will have a beautiful smile to be proud of.

If you’re ready to take the next step, give us a call! Our team would love to help you schedule a complimentary consultation!